Monday 26 January 2009

draw a blank


Anonymous said...

Tony, you must have failed to see the latest advert of Red Bull on TV. In this advert it is Sherlock Holmes who draws a blank, not Dr Watson!!! Can you guess why???

Tony said...

Hey Olga (still) Genius - is it because it's an advert and therefore not true to life?

Anonymous said...

It's always true when it comes to Red Bull!

Tony said...

You need to be careful with Red Bull - you can catch gerunditis from it.

Anonymous said...

I may seem too stupid to you, but I'll suffer if I don't ask you: 'WHAT is gerunditis??????'
Is it a disease when you can't speak English as a normal person, when you try to put gerunds everywhere in your speech?
Do you think Red Bull is so dangerous?????

Tony said...

I was hoping you would ask. It's because Red Bull gives you ings!

Anonymous said...

So you mean that after drinking Red Bull my speech I'll start speaking like that:
Sherlocking Holmesing drawsing a blanking ining thising adverting.
Is that what you mean, Tony?

Anonymous said...

I drink Red Bull 3 times a day!
Do you think I don't notice that I speak with ings??? What should I do now?

Tony said...

Yes, I do. The advertising slogan for Red Bull in the UK is 'Red Bull gives you wings'. I was punning on the slogan, forgetting that it will be different in other languages.

Tony said...

Hello Dr Watson - so pleased you could join us. I'm not sure I have advice - it's probably best if you consult a GP.

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Collocation of the Week by Dr Myers is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.